Monday, February 9, 2009

Are you glad you escaped the housing bubble?

Kudos to you, if you missed the last housing boom, because you missed the big BUST too.

Investors and homeowners alike, that sat on the sidelines during the last real estate boom, are NOT kicking themselves today.
They may have watched home prices in many markets around the country go up 10% - 20% in one year, and thought...

"Boy, this market is really heated, I'm staying out of it" or "I wish I got in earlier, these prices today are ridiculous"

But, they did not buy earlier, and they did not buy when the market was heated, and they certainly did not buy during the free-falling bust.

What a sigh of relief. No Loss... but, No Gain.

Historically, real estate has gone up approximately 4% per year since 1910, almost 100 years. [reference Robert Shiller of Case Shiller from Irrational Exuberance.] Consider inflation, and that hardly seems like a good investment. Consider, leverage by financing real estate, and positive cash flow by income received, and now it looks like a phoenomenal investment.
It can look like a bad investment when you pay all cash, speculate on the appreciation, or have a large negative cash flow. Avoid those things and buy for the long term, and it is a great return.

Let's assume the most recent bust, has erased the gains of the boom. 08 erased 07. 09 erases 06. In some markets 08 may have erased 05 too. BUT, never the less, investors that bought in 2000 still have a 20%-24% gain on average. The same would also be true for some that bought in 06, may have to wait for 2016, but could receive 20%-24% gain as well.

How many times has real estate posted similar losses? The last similar drop was 2 generations ago. It is safe to say, it may not happen again in our lifetime. But if it does, it seems to wipe away recent gains, not total gains. Many buyers that are taking advantage of prices today, are saying, "We are happy to afford today's values, as we were priced out of the market a couple years ago." (not priced out a decade or more ago)

Comparatively, if you invested in the following companies for a decade, do you think you would have similar gains, let alone any of your investment back?

Motorola, Sears, Ford, Citigroup, Fannie Mae, Yahoo, Qwest, Firestone, American Motors, Texaco, Pan Am, Worldcom, Enron, Lehman Brothers, Circuit City.

Energy, Telecom, Finance and Retail Giants... no investment is 100% safe, including real estate. But many of the above companies no longer have any value left, or are facing that fate. Even, I am guilty of owning several on that list, based on raving reviews or a sparkling prospectus. No one could predict their destiny any more than the recent boom/bust mortgage crisis. Whenever something is too good, it usually isn't good forever.

This is not an argument of stock vs. real estate. Rather, I am saying, Real Estate can be viewed as a safer investment, without surrendering your entire investment to a entity that declares itself bankrupt, or corrupt CEO running the company into nothing. There is still something of value with real estate, even in the down turn. Either a roof over your head, or renting the roof over someone else's head.

If the worst is behind us, it could be another 60 years before you have to worry about losing your initial investment in Real Estate. And if you truly owned and financed said property during that period, you would own it free in clear long before that time came!

But if you want to buy or invest, you have to jump in sometime. But when?
The safest time to jump in will be after the bust. No one can predict the perfect time, but watch and see who is buying today, and don't just be the watcher.

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